Tricia and Parker's Excellent Adventures

Thursday, June 23, 2005

How long have we been here?

Hi Everybody Today was a kick back and relax day...we think that we needed it more than our old Auntie and Uncle! We watched some Nick TV and a video. We played our GameBoys and played out in the yard. Tricia got to go to Sav On and she found a Dymo label maker for only $2.49 on clearance. It's something she's always wanted her whole life but Mom wouldn't buy it for her so old soft (in the soft touch duo) bought it for her. We've had so much fun with it. We made labels for our bikes and put our turtles' names on their containers. We can hardly wait to go home and label everything...Dad, Uncle Karl, Mom, Aunt Sara! What fun! Well, it's almost time for bed. Parker fell asleep at 7:45 and now I'm watching a movie with Uncle Wilson called The Angel and the Bad Man. It's fun to sit with him since I miss cuddling with Daddy. Parker accidentally fell when I was playing with him and hurt his back a little. He cried for Mom for about one minute and then asked for a drink of water. He asked if Aunt Linda knew why he needed water but she didn't. He said that water helps him stop crying and sure enough it did. Uncle Wilson talked to me about how we can't always say that everything is an accident. We're still reading each night. We like In His Hands and the BFG. We wonder what the BFG stands for...Big Frightening Giant? Big Fat Giant? Big Fierce Giant?...Aunt Linda says we'll find out tomorrow night. Bye! Love Tricia and Parker


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